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Are you looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate while exploring Machu Picchu and the ancient Incan city of Cusco? Doing what you love while traveling will make your adventure even more rewarding. More importantly, doing Yoga in Cusco will provide a fantastic opportunity to practice your favorite activity in one of the most magical places on Earth. All while you experience the vibrancy of Cusco’s culture, marvel at its breathtaking vistas, and explore a variety of yoga studios when you practice in this mystical city. From finding your perfect studio to enjoying local cuisine after class, discover all that awaits when practicing yoga in Cusco.


Doing Yoga while traveling is one of the most important things Yoga lovers consider before embarking on a trip, so it’s no shock that whenever people put Machu Picchu and Cusco on their travel plans, practicing yoga becomes a top priority. With its stunning scenery, vibrant culture, and mystical and spiritual energy, Cusco provides a unique backdrop for yoga practitioners. For the experienced and novice alike, Cusco is an ideal setting to reap the rewards of a yoga practice.

In this piece, we’ll provide  a list of the many kinds of yoga offered in Cusco and the top studios to visit during your stay. We’ll also discuss how to prepare for your trip and what type of local cuisine you can enjoy after a session on the mat. Finally, we’ll look at some great options for combining yoga with hiking trips to Machu Picchu or other nearby sites.

When it comes to picking a yoga studio in Cusco, there are various elements to consider before committing. Different studios offer different styles and levels of instruction, so be sure to read reviews online before booking classes or retreats. From traditional Hatha Yoga practices like Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow and Kundalini Yoga through more modern variations such as Aerial Yoga and AcroYoga – each style offers something unique depending on what kind of experience you’re looking for from your time in Cusco.

Before embarking on your yoga voyage:

  1. Ensure you have all the required gear prepped and ready to take off.
  2. Make sure you have comfortable exercise clothing, props such as blocks or straps if needed, a water bottle, a towel, and any other items that will help you make the most of each class or retreat during your stay in Cusco.

The food scene in Cusco is full of delicious surprises waiting around every corner – especially when it comes time to refuel after a long day spent stretching those muscles. Local favorites include fresh ceviche (a citrus-marinated seafood dish), tamales (corn dough filled with pork) served alongside classic Peruvian dishes such as lomo saltado (stir-fried beef). Plenty of vegetarian options are also available – perfect if veganism is part of your lifestyle choice when traveling abroad.

When planning hikes into Machu Picchu or other ancient Incan sites nearby – why not combine them with some outdoor yoga? This way, travelers can take advantage of both physical activity & relaxation in their daily routine while visiting these incredible destinations. The ideal time frame would be between May & September due to milder temperatures & fewer rain showers, which makes getting outdoors easier than ever before.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of Cusco and its history is essential for any traveler. Ultimately, delving into the potential health and wellness perks of practicing yoga in Cusco is worth considering.

Key Takeaway: Cusco is an ideal destination for yoga enthusiasts, with its stunning scenery and vibrant culture providing the perfect backdrop to practice. From traditional Hatha Yoga practices through modern variations such as Aerial or AcroYoga, plenty of options are available for all levels. Additionally, travelers can combine their yoga experience with hikes into Machu Picchu or other nearby sites between April & December when temperatures are milder and rain showers less frequent.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

Discover the Benefits of Practicing Yoga in Cusco

Practicing yoga in Cusco offers a unique opportunity for spiritual, mental, and physical growth. Cusco is a city located at almost 11000 feet. Doing yoga at this altitude, dealing with the thin atmosphere, allows one to go beyond their normal limits by pushing the body further than at sea level. Yoga poses require more effort at high altitudes. Each movement requires more resistance due to the lack of oxygen, which results in greater strength and flexibility while adding a unique mental and physical challenge.

The benefits of doing yoga at high altitudes are amplified by the thin air, allowing practitioners to focus intensely on their breath and movements. Practicing in these conditions can be physically demanding yet immensely rewarding, providing practitioners with an incredible sense of accomplishment after completing their routine.

The stunning views of the Andes Mountains make Cusco and other places in the Sacred valley ideal places to practice yoga outdoors, surrounded by nature’s beauty, especially when combined with hiking. Whether you take classes or practice independently, there are plenty of spots with breathtaking views where you can find peace and tranquility while practicing asanas. Additionally, many local studios offer group classes taught by certified instructors with years of experience teaching at high altitudes. 

Cusco is a perfect destination for spiritual seekers, as it offers many opportunities to explore traditional Incan practices and rituals. From taking part in rituals such as offering coca leaves to mother earth at the most humbling Incan temples to learning about traditional native Andean and Amazonian practices like Ayahuasca ceremonies—there are plenty of ways to explore spirituality and mysticism while visiting this fantastic city. Practicing yoga alongside locals helps deepen your understanding and appreciation for these traditions while allowing you to gain insight into Peruvian culture firsthand.

Yoga retreats are another popular option when visiting Cusco—allowing travelers to combine sightseeing with daily meditation sessions and guided tours around some of Peru’s most beautiful sites like Machu Picchu or Sacred Valley without worrying about planning every detail themselves. These retreats usually include accommodations and meals prepared using locally sourced ingredients so visitors can enjoy authentic Peruvian cuisine after their morning practice session ends each day.

If you plan on traveling during peak season (May-October), booking ahead is essential due to limited availability and higher prices; however, if traveling outside peak season (November-April), then finding good deals may be easier than expected. When planning your trip, remember that temperatures tend to drop drastically at night, so bring layers even if days seem warm enough—especially if hiking or trekking near Machu Picchu.

Finally, remember that regardless of how long or short your visit may be, practicing yoga in Cusco provides a unique physical and spiritual opportunity, helping build self-awareness while connecting deeper with yourself and others around you.

Experiencing the charm of the land of the Inca while enhancing your physical and mental health can be accomplished through practicing yoga in Cusco. Once you have gained insight into the potential benefits of yoga in Cusco, it is time to discover how to locate a suitable studio.

Key Takeaway: Yoga in Cusco offers a great chance to get the most out of your trip, from physical workouts and spiritual growth to discovering Peru’s rich culture. With outdoor classes or retreats available for all budgets, you can explore this amazing city while finding balance within yourself – so why not take the plunge and reap its rewards?

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

Find the Perfect Yoga Studio for You

With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Check out these hints to assist you in locating the ideal yoga studio that suits your requirements and tastes.

First off, decide what type of yoga classes you want to take. Do you lean towards a more classic practice or are you inclined to something current? Are there specific poses that appeal more than others? Knowing what class type best suits your experience level and goals will help narrow your search.

Next, consider the location of the studios about where you’ll be staying during your trip. If convenience is important, look for studios near popular tourist spots such as Plaza de Armas or San Blas Square. However, if privacy is key, opt for studios located further away from these areas.

It’s also essential to research each studio before committing to one particular option – this includes checking out their website and social media pages and asking around town about their reputation among locals and other travelers. Make sure they offer classes at times that fit into your schedule, and inquire about any discounts available when signing up for multiple sessions in advance or buying packages with multiple categories included in them. Additionally, look into whether they have special events such as workshops or retreats that might interest you too.

Finally – don’t forget about amenities. Some studios provide mats, while others require students to bring their own; make sure this fits within your budget before enrolling in a course there. Also, check if they have showers after class (especially useful if planning an outdoor activity afterward) and whether snacks/drinks are available during breaks between poses.

Finding the right yoga studio doesn’t have to be stressful – remember these tips when searching around Cusco:

  • Decide which type of class suits you best.
  • Consider location.
  • Research each option thoroughly.
  • Ask about discounts and specials.
  • Review amenities offered by each place, and enjoy yourself along the way.

If you’re searching for the ideal yoga studio to do your poses in Cusco, our guide can help. Now, you’ve got the knowledge of which yoga style is suitable for you – let’s explore the various kinds of yoga available in Cusco.

Key Takeaway: To find the perfect yoga studio in Cusco, do your homework and check out the amenities each place offers – weigh up which type of class suits you best based on location, discounts available and special events. Then kick back and relax while getting into some zen mode.

Prepare for Your Trip to Cusco

Before a visit to Cusco, Peru, it’s essential to consider specific matters. Whether you plan on doing some yoga or just exploring the city, having all your ducks in a row before you leave will ensure everything goes smoothly.


First and foremost, you’ll need somewhere comfortable and safe to stay in Cusco. From five-star hotels to budget hostels and Airbnbs, Cusco offers a variety of accommodation options for any traveler. By researching accommodation in advance, you can ensure your chosen place is ideal for your needs and budget.


The best way to get around Cusco is by taxi or Uber – both are reasonably priced, but always check with the driver first about rates, so there’s no confusion about payment. If traveling outside the city limits, renting a car may be necessary – again, research beforehand, as prices can vary greatly depending on where exactly you plan on going.

Money Matters:

When visiting any foreign country, knowing how much currency exchange costs before arriving at the airport is vital to avoid getting ripped off by shady vendors offering poor exchange rates. It’s also advisable to carry some local currency (Peruvian Soles) with them as only some places take credit cards or other electronic payments such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, etc. Additionally, ATM fees should be considered when withdrawing cash from machines located outside banks which often charge extra fees compared to those found inside branches.

Before taking off, pack smartly – arm yourself with clothes for any weather (Cusco can be quite a roller coaster when it comes to temperatures), and remember the sun protection staples like hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. If you plan on hiking or trekking in the Machu Picchu area, then sturdy shoes are a must. Remember your toiletries and medications too. Additionally, ready all the necessary documents, such as passports and visas. Finally, if possible, try to keep your luggage light by limiting yourself to one suitcase per person – this will save you money when checking in at airports. Keywords: Pack Smartly; Weather Conditions; Sun Protection; Sturdy Shoes; Toiletries & Medications; Passport/Visa Documents; Limit Luggage

Overall, preparation is key when traveling anywhere, especially abroad, where language barriers exist. Prior preparation is essential for a successful and stress-free journey, especially in foreign lands where communication can be difficult.

Getting ready for your excursion to Cusco is an important move towards ensuring a successful and pleasant outing. For a truly unforgettable experience, why not take advantage of the many yoga retreats Cusco has to offer?

Key Takeaway: Proper preparation is key for a successful trip to Cusco, Peru. Ensure you have your ducks in a row by researching accommodation and transportation options beforehand, packing smartly with the appropriate weather gear and documents (passport), and having some local currency on hand – that way, you can hit the ground running when you arrive.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

Top Yoga Retreats in Cusco

If you’re looking for an unforgettable yoga experience, Cusco is the perfect destination. This city in Peru offers a variety of unique retreats that combine yoga with cultural activities such as exploring Incan ruins or visiting local markets. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, these retreats will help deepen your practice and connect you to the vibrant culture of this ancient land.

For those seeking an immersive experience, consider spending time at one of Cusco’s many ashrams. These spiritual centers provide accommodations for guests and offer classes ranging from basic postures to more advanced meditation techniques. Many ashrams also organize day trips to nearby attractions such as Machu Picchu and other sacred sites around Cusco.

For those seeking a more active experience, why try one of the many outdoor yoga retreats in the area? From sunrise hikes up mountains overlooking breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains to kayaking down rivers lined with lush jungle foliage, there are plenty of opportunities to explore nature while practicing yoga in its purest form outdoors. Accommodations such as camping are often provided at these retreats, allowing you to fully experience the wonders of nature while still having access to comforts like hot showers and meals made with fresh ingredients from local markets.

For those interested in learning about traditional healing practices during their stay, look no further than shamanic ceremonies held throughout Cusco’s Sacred Valley region each month under a full moon night sky illuminated by stars above and below ground alike. During these events, participants learn how shamans use plants, medicines, and rituals for physical healing and emotional cleansing through purification baths known as temazcal (or sweat lodge).

Don’t hesitate any longer – book your trip today and relish every moment life brings your way. With many spa treatments available at several resorts within easy reach from downtown Cusco, you can find complete peace, balance, and harmony for mind, body, and spirit. From massages to aromatherapy sessions, mud baths to herbal wraps, facials to saunas and steam rooms – not forgetting Jacuzzis, pools, restaurants, bars, lounges, music shows, entertainment programs, etc., all designed specifically with travelers like yourself in mind. So take the plunge now; enjoy this opportunity for inner strength connection with yourself and another environment during your stay here.

Yoga retreats in Cusco offer a unique experience for those seeking an authentic and spiritual journey. Following your yoga session, why not savor some of the traditional gastronomy that has been part of this area’s history for generations?

Key Takeaway: Cusco is the perfect destination for an unforgettable yoga experience, offering unique retreats that combine postures with cultural activities and outdoor exploration. From ashrams to shamanic ceremonies and spa treatments to hikes up mountains, this ancient land offers plenty of opportunities for connecting with nature while deepening your practice.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

Best Yoga Studios in Cusco

The location of Yoga Room Cusco can be found at Calle Santa Teresa 588, Peru. Their website is It’s an ideal place for practicing yoga as it provides a peaceful atmosphere within the heart of Cusco. Various types of yoga are taught here including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin; workshops and retreats are also available to those interested in gaining more knowledge about these practices.

The locale known as Healing House Cusco is at Q’anchipata 555 in the San Blas area of Cusco, Peru. Their official site is At this center and institution that purports to provide comprehensive healing services, one will find yoga lessons, meditation sessions, soothing massages, and other methods for improving one’s well-being, medically or spiritually. They offer an assortment of distinct forms within their regular collection, including Hatha Yoga and as Kundalini Yoga alongside Restorative styles; such classes are open daily, with workshops being offered regularly throughout the year too!

The location of The Yoga Mandala Sacred Valley can be found at Calle Primavera 249, Huaran, in the stunning region known as the Sacred Valley located in Peru. Delve into a peaceful atmosphere that will satisfy your need for yoga practice with their diverse classes varying across Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Yin styles. Alongside standard lessons, they offer amazing retreats tailored to suit all yogis or those looking to become teachers themselves. Don’t hesitate; take advantage today!

The location of Samadhi Sacred Valley can be found at Urubamba-Yucay 766, within the beautiful town of Yucay in Peru’s stunning Sacred Valley. Visitors to its website at will discover a yoga retreat center with breathtaking vistas emphasizing Andean Mountain beauty. Indulge daily in Hatha or Vinyasa asana practices and engage yourself further through meditation sessions, workshops, and personal wellness offerings available throughout your stay.

Nidra Wasi Holistic Retreat Center: Address: Pisac, Sacred Valley, Peru Website: Nidra Wasi is a holistic retreat center in the beautiful town of Pisac. They offer daily yoga classes, workshops, and retreats focusing on holistic wellness, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative yoga.

Before visiting any artistic establishments, I advise perusing their online portals or communicating with them directly for the most current details regarding class timetables, charges, and COVID-19-mandated measures.

Enjoy Local Cuisine After Your Practice

After a long day of stretching, breathing, and meditation in Cusco’s yoga studios, it’s time to enjoy the local cuisine. With many delicious restaurants near popular yoga spots, you can easily find something that fits your taste buds. Whether you prefer traditional Peruvian dishes or international flavors, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city.

If you want a classic Cusco experience after practice, head to the Plaza de Armas. At the Plaza de Armas, you can sample traditional Peruvian dishes such as lomo saltado and ceviche, or explore more exotic fusion options. For those seeking alternative options, vegetarian and vegan dishes are also available. If you want to sample more exotic flavors, check out one of the many fusion eateries around town, which offer a unique mix of ingredients from around the globe.

If you are feeling adventurous, why not try some street food? In Cusco, there is plenty of vendors selling snacks like anticuchos (grilled skewered meat), tamales (corn dough filled with vegetables), and papas rellenas (stuffed potatoes). These tasty treats make great post-yoga snacks. For those with a sweet tooth, there are churros con chocolate – fried doughnuts served with hot melted chocolate – or alfajores – two shortbread cookies sandwiching dulce de leche filling – both perfect indulgences after your practice session.

Coffee lovers should visit La Bodega 138 near San Blas Square, where they serve freshly roasted coffee beans alongside homemade cakes and pastries made daily by their talented bakers. And if it’s wine o’clock, then El Barrio Quechua Wine Bar offers an extensive selection of Peru’s best wineries and tapas-style plates ideal for sharing among friends or family members visiting abroad.

Whatever type of cuisine tickles your fancy after practicing yoga in Cusco, take advantage of its diverse culinary offerings. From traditional meals served at centuries-old establishments to contemporary fusion cuisines bursting with flavor, exploring these mouthwatering dishes will surely add another dimension to your experience here in this magical city nestled high up within the Andes Mountains.

After you’ve finished your practice, enjoy the local cuisine and all that Cusco has to offer. Hiking through Machu Picchu is an incredible way to explore the area while getting a yoga workout in simultaneously.

Key Takeaway: After a peaceful yoga session in Cusco, why not indulge in this magical city’s diverse culinary offerings? From traditional Peruvian dishes and fusion eateries to street food snacks or sweet treats, you will surely find something delicious, no matter your taste buds. With its abundance of restaurants around popular yoga spots, make sure you take advantage of it.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

Yoga and hiking to Machu Picchu

Venturing into the remnants of Machu Picchu can be a transformative journey. Combining this adventure with a yoga practice while visiting Cusco, Peru, offers a unique opportunity to deepen your spiritual connection and physical strength. With its ancient Incan history, stunning views, and breathtaking nature hikes, Machu Picchu is the perfect destination for those looking to explore their inner self through yoga.

Hiking up to Machu Picchu requires stamina, endurance, and mental focus, which can be improved through regular yoga practice. Before you embark on your journey, building up your strength by taking classes at local studios in Cusco or even online if you’re already familiar with different poses and sequences is important. Many studios offer special packages specifically tailored for those wanting to combine hiking with their practice; some may even include meditation sessions designed to help hikers find peace before climbing.

Yoga On the Inca Trail. During the 5-day plan, there will be adequate time to participate in a yoga session every morning. This practice aims to revitalize your body and soul before commencing that day’s hike. The beautiful surroundings, made up of awe-inspiring vistas complemented by impressive Inca relics, generate vibrancy which outdoor yoga facilitates, promoting mindfulness within you throughout this odyssey undertaken.

Yoga is considered as advantageous when done outside since it can evoke memories connected with nature, thus imprinting its significance into our minds indefinitely, thereby improving spirituality for oneself during each stage encountered through the journey exploring these sacred territories.

The best period suitable for trekking expeditions would be between May and September, when milder temperatures mix well with clear skies, enabling trekkers satisfaction beyond just hiking and embracing natural sceneries mingled amongst historical heritage sites dating back centuries ago. Encounter spiritual & physical heights never explored before via fusing hikes with Yoga amid enchantingly divine landscapes while traversing Sacred domains.

Yoga on the Huchuy Qosqo Trek. The best place in Cusco for Yoga, Meditation, and mindfulness. There is no better hiking route for those seeking tranquility in the great outdoors than the Huchuy Qosqo trek.

By embarking on this journey – which can last two days or four, depending on whether you’d like to extend it for a visit to Machu Picchu – one will discover breathtaking and often-untouched locations perfect for promoting mindfulness and meditation. Among these stops along your path lies an archaeological site known as Huchuy Qosqo; practicing yoga amidst its Andean surroundings only fosters a deeper connection with yourself and Mother Earth herself.

The best time of year during which yogis should tackle the Huchuy Qosqo extends from May through September, when they’ll be able to relish in some truly harmonious moments between mind, body, and spirit amid these ancient sacred grounds without any interruption caused by environmental factors.

Exploring Peru through yoga and hiking to Machu Picchu can be an enriching experience for any globetrotter seeking to witness the magnificence of this country. For those seeking to make the most of their yoga practice, it is wise to ascertain the optimal period for a visit to Cusco.

Key Takeaway: Combining Machu Picchu’s awe-inspiring scenery and ancient Incan history with yoga practice allows one to explore the depths of one’s spiritual connection and physical strength. By taking classes in Cusco or hiking to Machu Picchu, hikers can strengthen their bodies before embarking on a hike that requires mental focus and stamina, allowing them to reach higher heights while reflecting upon everything experienced along the way.

Best Time of Year to Practice Yoga in Cusco

Cusco, Peru, is a vibrant city with many activities and experiences. Yoga is one of the most popular activities in Cusco, as it allows visitors to explore their inner selves while taking in the beauty of this ancient Incan capital. Considering various elements is essential when deciding on the optimal time to partake in yoga while visiting Cusco.

The Weather:

The weather in Cusco can vary greatly depending on the time of year. Winter (June-August) in Cusco brings chillier, dryer conditions, making it perfect for open-air yoga. During the summer months (December-February), the harsh rains of the Peruvian wet season will not be adequate for practicing Yoga. By considering these factors when planning your trip, you’ll surely enjoy the perfect yoga experience in Cusco.

Festivals & Events:

If you’re looking for more than just practicing yoga while visiting Cusco, consider attending local festivals or events throughout the year. From June through August, there are plenty of cultural celebrations like Inti Raymi – an annual festival celebrating Inca culture – and Pachamama Festival – an event dedicated to Mother Earth’s bounty. There are also smaller weekly markets where vendors sell traditional crafts and foods, so don’t miss out on these unique experiences.

Overall, no matter what month you choose for your visit, there will always be something special about practicing yoga in this magical city surrounded by mountains and history. So take advantage of all that Cusco has to offer – including its beautiful climate – whenever possible because you won’t regret it.

Key Takeaway: Visiting Cusco, Peru, is an opportunity to explore the city’s unique culture and practice yoga amidst its stunning landscape. Visitors can take advantage of festivals and events such as Inti Raymi or Pachamama Festival during peak tourist season or off-peak months for a truly unforgettable experience. From cool, dry winter to warm summer temperatures, Cusco has something special waiting no matter what time of year you choose.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes

FAQs about Yoga in Cusco:

What are the best yoga studios in Cusco?

In Cusco, the renowned Yogalaya studio near Plaza de Armas offers classes suitable for yogis of all proficiency levels. At Yogalaya, located near Plaza de Armas, you can find a variety of classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Experienced instructors are available to help you reach your yoga objectives.

For something different, visit Shambhala Yoga Studio, which offers traditional Hatha-style classes with an emphasis on breathing techniques as well as workshops focusing on mindfulness and meditation. Finally, if you’re looking for more intense workouts, then check out Dharma Power Yoga, where their heated vinyasa flow classes will push your limits while still being accessible to all levels of practitioners.

How much does a typical yoga class cost in Cusco?

The cost of yoga classes in Cusco is contingent on the type and duration; generally, drop-in sessions are priced from 25 to 50 Soles ($7-$15 USD), while private lessons can reach up to 150 Soles ($45 USD). Generally, drop-in classes range from 25 to 50 Peruvian Soles (approximately $7-$15 USD). Private sessions can be more expensive, costing up to 150 Soles ($45 USD) per hour. Some studios also offer discounted packages for multiple classes or monthly memberships. Before attending a class, checking with individual studios for exact pricing information is best.

Are there private yoga lessons in Cusco?

Yes, it is possible to book private yoga lessons in Cusco. Various studios and instructors offer private sessions tailored to your individual needs. Many studios and instructors in Cusco offer private yoga lessons that can be easily booked online or contacted directly for more details. Whether you’re looking for a one-time session or ongoing classes, plenty of options are available to meet your requirements.

What types of yoga are typically instructed in Cusco?

Cusco has a diverse selection of yoga disciplines tailored to accommodate various preferences and proficiency levels. Among the popular styles are Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini Yin, and Restorative yoga practices. Additionally to these regimens, numerous locations offer various meditative techniques paired with breathwork exercises.

Can yoga sessions instruct in the English language? 

Certainly, numerous yoga studios in Cusco are designed for globetrotters and provide courses using the English language. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended to examine both the timetable of classes and available linguistic options beforehand.

Are there any outdoor yoga experiences available in Cusco?

Absolutely! Without a doubt, the breathtaking natural beauty of Cusco serves as an ideal setting for outdoor yoga activities. Various establishments and centers specializing in this practice present opportunities to engage with nature while performing exercise routines. Additionally, certain travel companies include meditation and yoga within their expeditions into the great outdoors. See here for more of our Yoga tours and hiking.

 How should I adjust my yoga practice in Cusco’s high altitude?

Positioned at around 3,400 meters (11,150 feet) above sea level is Cusco, which can alter how your body answers to physical exertion. It’s suggested that you initially take it easy for a couple of days and choose gentler yoga styles, such as Hatha or Restorative, to acclimate effectively to this elevation. Stay hydrated throughout this process, and be attentive to any alterations needed in your practice by listening keenly to what your body tells you.

Yoga in Cusco. Unleash Your Inner Yogi in the Andes


Yoga in Cusco is an amazing experience that can be enjoyed year-round. From the best yoga studios to retreats and hikes, many ways exist to explore this incredible city while practicing your favorite poses. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, take advantage of all the benefits of visiting Cusco for some much-needed relaxation and rejuvenation.

Discover the ancient and modern yoga practices of Cusco, Peru. Embark on a journey to explore its unique culture and find your inner peace!

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