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is it safe to travel to peru right now

Is It Safe to Travel to Peru Right Now? Key Factors Explored

Is it safe to travel to Peru right now? Is the political unrest over?  You are probably wondering about these things. However, recent political developments and other factors have raised concerns about safety for travelers.

This post will look into the political events in Peru since President Pedro Castillo was removed from office and the following demonstrations. We’ll also discuss the updated US State Department Travel Advisory, which recently lowered its risk level assessment for traveling to Peru.

Furthermore, we’ll provide practical advice on crime precautions while visiting this beautiful country and explore health considerations such as COVID-19 vaccine recommendations and preventing traveler’s diarrhea. In addition, we will examine border issues related to the ongoing migrant crisis and its impact on tourists.

 Is it safe to travel to Peru right now? We’ll take a look at UK Foreign Office recommendations for avoiding high-risk areas in Peru, along with tips for preparing for potential disruptions during your trip. By understanding these aspects of safety when considering whether or not it is safe to travel to Peru right now can help ensure that your journey remains enjoyable without compromising personal security.

Political Situation in Peru

As of May 6, 2023, the political situation in Peru has raised concerns for travelers due to ongoing protests and recent clashes between migrants and police at the Chilean/Peruvian border. These events were triggered by the ousting of then-president Pedro Castillo in December 2023, leading to widespread demonstrations.

Ousting of President Pedro Castillo

In December 2023, President Pedro Castillo was ousted from office, causing a wave of unrest throughout the country. The removal followed allegations of corruption against his administration and sparked large-scale protests among citizens who felt their voices had been silenced.

Protests and Civil Unrest

The ousting of the administration prompted an outcry from citizens and sparked protests throughout Peru demanding justice and accountability. This tense atmosphere can pose risks for travelers visiting certain areas where these gatherings occur or may lead to unexpected disruptions during your trip.

  • Tips:
  • Avoid participating or getting too close to any protest or demonstration while traveling through Peru as situations can escalate quickly.
  • Stay informed about local news updates regarding potential hotspots or planned demonstrations so you can adjust your itinerary accordingly if needed.
  • Contact your embassy if you feel unsafe or need assistance while abroad due to ongoing unrest.

Despite the unrest in certain areas, most of Peru remains safe and enjoyable for travelers. Travelers should exercise caution and stay informed about local developments while enjoying all that this beautiful destination has to offer.

Recent political developments in Peru, including the removal of President Pedro Castillo from office, necessitate staying up-to-date on events. Despite this unrest, the US State Department recently lowered its travel advisory risk level for Peru from Level 3 to Level 2.

US State Department Travel Advisory Update

The US State Department recently lowered its travel advisory for Peru from Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) to Level 2 (Exercise Increased Caution), citing updates on crime information and U.S. government restrictions on personnel as reasons for this change. This means that while it is not considered unsafe to travel to Peru right now, visitors should exercise increased caution due to crime and civil unrest.

Lowered risk level from Level 3 to Level 2

The US State Department has determined that a reduction in the risk level is appropriate, given recent developments and overall safety conditions in Peru. The shift from a Level 3, which advises travelers to reconsider their plans, down to a Level 2, where they are encouraged only to exercise increased caution, can be seen as an indication that traveling there is relatively safer than before.

Reasons behind the update

  • New Crime Information: The updated advisory takes into account recent data on criminal activities within Peru.
  • Government Restrictions: Changes have been made regarding restrictions placed upon U.S. government personnel working or visiting areas with elevated risks.
  • Civil Unrest: While protests continue throughout various regions of the country, Reuters reports that the intensity and frequency of these events have decreased, making it less likely for travelers to be caught up in such incidents.

It is important to note that a Level 2 advisory still calls for increased caution when traveling. Tourists should remain vigilant, especially in areas known for criminal activities or ongoing protests. Consult the US State Department’s website for tips on remaining secure while in Peru. Additionally, it is recommended that travelers purchase travel insurance before embarking on their trip to Peru, as unexpected events can occur.

Despite the risks, Peru remains a popular destination for tourists, with attractions such as Machu Picchu and other tourist destinations drawing visitors from around the world. As long as travelers take necessary precautions and stay informed about the current situation, they can still enjoy all that Peru has to offer.

The US State Department Travel Advisory Update has lowered the risk level from Level 3 to Level 2, providing travelers with more peace of mind. However, it is still important to take necessary precautions when traveling in Peru; this article will discuss some crime prevention tips while traveling there.

Crime Precautions While Traveling in Peru

When visiting Peru, it is wise to be mindful of the potential dangers that can come with criminal activity. Petty crimes such as theft are common occurrences, so maintaining vigilance and taking necessary precautions can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Common Types of Petty Crimes

In popular tourist areas like Lima, Cusco, and Arequipa, pickpocketing and bag-snatching are prevalent. Thieves often target crowded locations like markets or public transportation where they can easily blend into the crowd after committing their crime. Additionally, criminals may pose as taxi drivers or tour guides to deceive unsuspecting tourists.

Tips for Avoiding Theft

  • Avoid using money changers on streets: Instances of violent crime can occur during these transactions. Instead, opt for exchanging currency at reputable establishments such as banks or hotels.
  • Stay vigilant around ATMs: Be cautious when withdrawing cash from ATMs located in poorly lit or deserted areas since thieves may be lurking nearby waiting for an opportunity to strike.
  • Safeguard your belongings: Use a money belt or hidden pouch under your clothing to store valuables like passports and credit cards while exploring busy tourist spots.
  • Hire licensed taxis: To avoid being scammed by fake taxi drivers, always use registered taxis that display official identification numbers prominently on their vehicles. You can also ask hotel staff members for recommendations on reliable taxi services.

Beyond petty crimes, travelers should also remain informed about any ongoing protests related to the political situation in Peru. While these events may not directly impact tourists, they can lead to roadblocks and transportation disruptions that could affect your travel plans. By staying updated on the latest news and exercising increased caution as advised by the US State Department, you can minimize potential risks while enjoying all that Peru has to offer.

When touring Peru, it is important to observe necessary precautions for a safe and secure journey. To ensure a healthy trip, it is also essential to be aware of health considerations when visiting Peru.


Key Takeaway: 

Travelers to Peru should be aware of the potential risks associated with crime, especially petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag-snatching in popular tourist areas. To avoid becoming a victim, it is recommended to use reputable money changers, stay vigilant around ATMs, safeguard belongings using hidden pouches or money belts, hire licensed taxis and remain informed about any ongoing protests that could affect travel plans.

Health Considerations When Visiting Peru

Before travelling to Peru, it is essential for travelers to consider health risks and take preventive measures. The ongoing global pandemic and other common illnesses in the region require travelers to be prepared and well-informed.

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remains an infectious viral illness worldwide; thus, all eligible travelers are advised to complete their COVID vaccine series before visiting any foreign destinations, including Peru. Make sure you follow the U.S. Department of State’s guidelines for international travel during the pandemic and stay updated on any changes or requirements specific to your destination.

Preventing Traveler’s Diarrhea

In addition to COVID-19 concerns, traveler’s diarrhea is prevalent among tourists visiting South America. To minimize your risk of contracting this unpleasant ailment:

  • Avoid consuming tap water or ice made from tap water – opt for bottled or purified water instead.
  • Eat only thoroughly cooked food and avoid raw fruits and vegetables unless they can be peeled by yourself.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and clean water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer when necessary.
  • If possible, carry over-the-counter medications like loperamide (Imodium) as a precautionary measure in case symptoms arise during your trip.

Besides these preventive measures against traveler’s diarrhea, make sure you take other health precautions while visiting Peru:

  • To further protect yourself from insect-borne diseases, use mosquito repellent and wear long sleeves and pants to cover exposed skin.
  • If staying in poorly constructed accommodations, utilize mosquito nets for added protection against insect bites.

By taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your time in Peru is a safe and enjoyable experience. Remember that being proactive about your well-being is key when traveling abroad.

Is it Safe to Travel to Peru Right Now?

Peru is a popular tourist destination known for its rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking landscapes. However, safety concerns are always a top priority for travelers. So, is it safe to travel to Peru right now?

The short answer is yes, Peru is generally safe for tourists. However, like any other country, it is essential to take precautions to ensure your safety and well-being during your trip.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Peru is Machu Picchu. While it is a must-see attraction, it is also important to note that the high altitude can cause altitude sickness. To prevent this, make sure to acclimate yourself to the altitude gradually and stay hydrated.

Another important consideration is travel insurance. While it is not required to enter Peru, it is highly recommended to protect yourself in case of any unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or injury.

Overall, Peru is a safe and welcoming country for tourists. By taking necessary precautions and being prepared, you can have a memorable and enjoyable trip to this beautiful destination.

Before embarking on a trip to Peru, it is essential for travelers to consider the health risks and take all necessary precautions. Border issues and migrant crisis have become a major issue in recent years, so travelers should be aware of potential impacts on their journey.


Key Takeaway: 

Before traveling to Peru, it is important to consider health precautions due to the ongoing pandemic and common illnesses in the region. This includes completing your COVID-19 vaccine series, taking preventive measures against traveler’s diarrhea, using insect repellent and wearing light-colored clothing for protection against mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria. Overall, Peru is generally safe for tourists if necessary precautions are taken.

Border Issues and Migrant Crisis

Migrants from Chile, seeking to leave via Peru, have been hindered by the lack of proper documentation for cross-border travel, leading to delays at border crossings and suspension of certain rights. This has resulted in longer than usual waits at border crossings and suspension of certain constitutional rights in impacted areas.

Reasons behind the migrant crisis

The recent confrontations between migrants and police at the Chilean/Peruvian boundary have been prompted by a mix of components, for example, monetary hardship, political unsteadiness, and social disturbance. Many people from neighboring countries like Venezuela or Colombia seek better opportunities in more stable nations like Chile; however, due to strict immigration policies coupled with high living costs, they cannot secure legal status or make ends meet.

Impacts on travelers

  • Crossing delays: The increased number of undocumented migrants trying to cross borders can lead to long queues and extended waiting times for all travelers passing through these checkpoints. Make sure you allocate extra time when planning your trip if it involves crossing any international borders within South America.
  • Safety concerns: While most tourists will not be directly affected by the ongoing migrant crisis, visitors must remain vigilant about their surroundings when traveling near border areas where tensions may run high. Avoid getting too close to large groups protesting or engaging with law enforcement officers during confrontations.
  • Risk management: Travelers should stay informed about current events affecting their destination country before departure by checking reliable news sources such as local newspapers or government websites regularly for updates on potential risks related specifically towards foreign nationals visiting those regions.

Despite its current issues with politics and migration, Peru continues to be a much-sought-after location for tourists looking to experience the nation’s vibrant history, culture, and scenic wonders. By staying informed about potential risks and taking necessary precautions while traveling through border areas or regions affected by civil unrest, visitors can still enjoy a safe and memorable trip to this enchanting country.

When traveling in Peru, it is prudent to be aware of the risks posed by the migrant crisis and adhere to UK Foreign Office recommendations for avoiding high-risk areas. Therefore, it is essential to understand UK Foreign Office recommendations for avoiding high-risk areas and preparing for any possible disruptions during your trip.

Key Takeaway: 

Due to the migrant crisis and border issues, travelers should allocate extra time for crossing borders in South America and remain vigilant about their surroundings near border areas. It is important to stay informed about potential risks by checking reliable news sources regularly before departure. Despite these challenges, Peru remains a popular destination for tourists seeking its rich history, culture, and natural beauty.


UK Foreign Office Recommendations

The UK Foreign Office has not issued any travel warnings for Peru. Instead, they recommend taking certain precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. This section will discuss their recommendations on avoiding high-risk areas and preparing for potential disruptions during your stay in the country.

Avoiding High-Risk Areas

To minimize risks associated with civil unrest and crime, avoiding areas where protests are likely to occur or have been reported recently is essential. The UK Foreign Office advises travelers to steer clear of government buildings, as these can be hotspots for demonstrations. Additionally, exercise caution when visiting popular tourist sites such as Machu Picchu or Cusco’s historic center since petty crimes like pickpocketing can happen in crowded places.

Preparing for Potential Disruptions

In light of ongoing political tensions and possible service disruptions due to protests or strikes, you must plan accordingly before embarking on your journey. Here are some tips:

  • Pack essentials: Ensure you have sufficient food, water, medication (if needed), cash in local currency (Peruvian Soles), and copies of important documents such as passports and visas.
  • Maintain communication: Keep friends or family informed about your whereabouts; use a reliable mobile network provider with good coverage throughout the country, like Claro.
  • Stay updated: Regularly check news sources like the Andina News Agency for the latest information on protests, strikes, or other events that may affect your travel plans.
  • Be flexible: Be prepared to change your itinerary if necessary; consider booking accommodations with free cancellation policies and working with reputable tour operators who can help you navigate potential disruptions.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it is important to stay informed of the current political situation in Peru, following both UK Foreign Office recommendations as well as those from local authorities and tour operators. Follow the UK Foreign Office recommendations and those from local authorities and tour operators to make the most of your Peruvian adventure. If you’re concerned about safety, consider purchasing travel insurance that covers trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and other unforeseen events. Peru is a beautiful country with many tourist destinations, including the famous Machu Picchu. You can take the necessary precautions and have a memorable and safe trip to this South American gem.

The UK Foreign Office recommendations provide a helpful guide for travelers looking to stay safe in Peru. For a more secure and pleasant journey, enlisting the help of experienced tour operators is beneficial.


Key Takeaway: 

The UK Foreign Office has not issued any travel warnings for Peru, but it is important to take precautions and avoid high-risk areas such as government buildings. Travelers should also prepare for potential disruptions due to ongoing political tensions and possible service disruptions by packing essentials, maintaining communication, staying updated on news sources, and being flexible with their itinerary. By taking these necessary steps, travelers can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this beautiful South American country.

Tour Operators’ Role in Ensuring Safe Travel

You might be questioning if it’s a wise decision to travel to Peru in the current climate of political unrest and advisories. One way to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience despite ongoing protests is by working with reputable tour operators who have extensive knowledge of the local area.

Benefits of Working with Reputable Tour Operators

  • Expertise: A reliable tour operator will have years of experience planning trips to Peru, ensuring they are well-versed in navigating any potential challenges that may arise due to civil unrest or other issues. They can offer useful counsel concerning which areas are safest for travelers and what safety measures should be taken during your visit.
  • Safety Measures: Reputable operators prioritize their clients’ safety above all else. This means they’ll closely monitor the situation on the ground, adjusting itineraries as needed based on real-time information from trusted sources such as government agencies or local contacts. In addition, many companies offer 24/7 support services for travelers while abroad.
  • Cultural Immersion: By choosing a knowledgeable tour operator, you’ll gain access to authentic experiences that showcase Peru’s rich culture and history beyond popular tourist sites like Machu Picchu. These curated activities often include visits to lesser-known destinations where interactions with locals can provide unique insights into daily life within this diverse nation.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Many responsible tour providers prioritize sustainable tourism practices designed not only to protect natural resources but also to benefit local communities economically through job creation, fair wages, training programs, and more. Learn about some of these initiatives at organizations like Rainforest Alliance.

If you’re still uncertain about the safety of traveling to Peru, consult a trusted tour operator or provider for tailored advice based on their local knowledge. They can help assess your personal risk tolerance and provide recommendations tailored specifically for you based on their expertise in the region. Remember that staying informed and following safety guidelines is key when planning any international trip. Additionally, it’s important to consider purchasing travel insurance to protect yourself in case of unexpected events.


Key Takeaway: 

To ensure safe travel to Peru amidst ongoing protests, it’s recommended to work with reputable tour operators who have extensive knowledge of the local area. They offer expertise in navigating potential challenges, prioritize safety measures and provide access to authentic cultural experiences while also promoting eco-friendly practices.

FAQs in Relation to Is it Safe to Travel to Peru Right Now

Is it Safe to Visit Peru in 2023?

As of now, it is generally safe to visit Peru in 2023. However, travelers should stay updated on the political situation and health considerations like COVID-19. It’s essential to follow travel advisories from organizations such as the US State Department and the UK Foreign Office.

What is the Advisory Level of Peru?

The US State Department has lowered its risk level for traveling to Peru from Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) to Level 2 (Exercise Increased Caution). This change reflects improvements in safety conditions but still advises caution due to crime and terrorism risks. Check their Peru Travel Advisory page for updates.

Is it Safe to Go to Machu Picchu?

Machu Picchu is considered a relatively safe destination for tourists. However, visitors should take precautions against altitude sickness, petty theft, and potential disruptions due to weather or protests. Ensure you have proper permits when visiting protected sites like Machu Picchu by booking through a reputable tour operator.

Is Machu Picchu Closed in 2023?

Machu Picchu is not expected to be closed in 2023 unless there are unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or global pandemics that may affect its accessibility. Stay updated on the Peruvian Ministry of Culture’s website for any changes in visiting hours or closures.


Is it safe to travel to Peru right now? After analyzing the political situation, crime precautions, health considerations, border issues, and recommendations from various sources such as the US State Department and UK Foreign Office, it is safe to say that Peru can be a great destination for travelers. While there are some risks involved in traveling to Peru, taking necessary precautions and working with reputable tour operators can help mitigate those risks.

If you’re planning a trip to Peru right now, we recommend checking out Evolution Treks’ ultimate guide to Machu Picchu tours. They offer a variety of options for exploring this iconic tourist destination while ensuring your safety throughout the journey.

Discover the Secrets of Machu Picchu with Evolution Treks today!

  • Make sure to purchase travel insurance before your trip to Peru to ensure you’re covered in case of any unexpected events.
  • While Machu Picchu is a must-see destination, there are many other beautiful and safe tourist destinations in Peru worth exploring.
  • Working with a reputable tour operator can help ensure your safety and provide you with valuable insights into the local culture and customs.

While it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved in traveling to Peru, with proper planning and precautions, it can be a safe and rewarding destination for travelers.

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